What is Node JS? Its features, importance, use cases, and drawbacks

Web development technology is an optimum need for the development of business companies. Unless you have set up the proper condition, you won’t be able to do a productive business. Henceforth, opting for an upstream business resource web development program is a must, but a problem comes. 

A problem of what to select and how to select a web development resource, because as the business is evolving, so digitizing everyone’s mind, and so we have thousands of exciting web app development agencies writhing here and there. Thus, choosing the best among thousands is a challenging task. 

Hail to Node.js, an evolution in the market bringing a revolutionary technology and an efficient, robust platform that flamboyantly integrates the quality required for server-side and client-side. But there is more in Node.js that should be known in making a better business-making environment.

What is Node js?

As described, node.js is an open-source, cross-platform tool based on chrome’s V8 JavaScript runtime setting to bring out a scalable web application that aids in executing JavaScript code server-side.

The node.js solution makes use of a non-blocking, data-driven, even based I/O strategic model, which is stable and ideal for data-intensive applications running on a shared platform. This operative tool consists of loads of features and advantages that customs an asynchronous programming system. 

The node.js is an effective tool that uses JavaScript on the front end and back end of the project requirement, bringing a program that operates to integrate the coding language with APIs and other programming languages. 

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Advantages of node js

Node.js is a highly adaptable source that is stated to be the pinnacle of scalable technology, and so it becomes essential for the company to connect with Node.js for developing their web application into a robust one.

This independent runtime environment is a very efficient, streamlined source for developing any web or mobile application into a scalable product. Being of great importance is in the fact that node.js is worth your time, resource, business, and investments.  

This standalone application could be used on various platforms like:

  • Concurrent Collaborating Tools 

Node.js is extensively used for processing real-time updates and handling I/O requests alongside ensuring the system should be event-driven with a non-blocking structural design. The node.js consist of Web Sockets protocol and event API that is made to handle all such operations, thus meeting the server-side, respectively. 

  • High Ascendable Applications

Node.js is fast and lightweight and actually can handle bulks of stream requests. Although the operating solution is unsuitable for CPU-intensive applications, it still holds an excellent position in scaling the cluster modules making better use of the machine’s available CPU power commendably.

Also, by cloning and splitting the applications, the latter gets divided into multiple apps within the own database, thus simplifying the task. 

  • Games

Node.js also proves to be an exciting platform for gaming. Combining Socket.10, node.js gives a real-time communication connection between a web browser and a server. Also, the node.js solutions bring high time-effective results to gaming platforms, especially in games with increased responsiveness. 

  • Real-Time Chats

Node.js reigns supremacy in managing real-time multi-user applications. With its core qualities like speed, handling high traffic, synchronizing loop, and asynchronous computing alongside, the environment of node.js operation allows effortless management of high volume processing and efficient communication. 

  • Streaming Services and Microservices

Node.js is the best solution for streaming services which is a data-handling method that enables less memory consumption than the traditional one. The app steadily processes efficient downloading processing within node.js streaming. 

On the other hand, Microservices are built for aiding clients where the system is built not as a monolith of extensive services but as a distributed architecture delivering small services. Node.js is a popular choice for microservices because of its minimal memory footprint, simple initial code setup, and easy configuration.

With node.js, the microservices optimize better compatibility and undergo instant development for low CPU applications. Decomposing is one of the scalability options that are particularly effective in microservices and, when done correctly, can be advantageous to the project.

  • Web development application

Web applications working under a nodejs environment and express framework aim to build a robust platform that includes every solution for different kinds of problems. Configuration of web app settings, interaction with view generating engines, and routing to multiple URLs are all the specialties of operating in nodejs servicing.

Various features held by node.js solution in making a web app development

Although we are already aware of the vast advantages of node.js in developing the web application, we must also look at loads of characteristic features the latter consist of in making a steady solution.

  1. Scalability – Node.js is considered an effective platform for having maximum scalability compared to other web development programs. At the same time, the cluster module in node.js helps in the load balance of the running CPU core. The nodejs satisfies every type of client’s requirements for their web app.
  2. Cross-platform compatibility – Node.js is a very compatible platform because it allows easiness in the operating system with various platforms like Linux, UNIX, Mac, Windows, and other mobile application platforms. Along with that, you get a steady pace in working progress where switching between different platforms is placed on an effortless scene. 
  3. Data processing ability – Node.js utilizes the core of the asynchronous approach data architecture mechanism alongside an event-driven approach for the programming development process. It must be noted that there is no output order within this mechanism, so it is based on the user’s input.  
  4. V8 engine – With the aid of the V8 engine, the JavaScript language gets translated to machine coding language through the agency of C++; subsequently, it is regarded as a robust engine for many web-based servers and machine-based products. 
  5. Feasibility of operating in one coding language – Node.js works on a programming language of JavaScript which allows for sharing code amid built components both front end and back end. The exciting fact of nodejs is you can use the same programming language for both the front and back-end development process. This way, programmers get convenience in using the application with fewer files. 
  6. Advanced hosting facility – NodeJS aids in effectively reducing the number of servers necessary to host the application. This reduces the time it takes for a page to load by around half.
  7. The functionality of NPM – The node package manager, which is also stated as the official package ecosystem of nodejs, holds functionalities that provide an efficient environment because it consists of a dynamic database of diverse modulus and tools that help create apps. Alongside, the NPM aids with the installation of updates, upload management, and the proper establishment of MySQL database connectivity.
  8. An active and global community – Node.js is an open-source solution that consists of an extensive international community. This results in helping the developers meet various instantaneous assistance from any community member worldwide. Along with that, the community member also helps in providing a wide range of tools and resource packages for free.
  9. Fast data streaming – Node.js is a time-saving development tool that executes the database or file simultaneously as it is being uploaded. Overall, NodeJS aids in accelerating data and video streaming speeds that would require a tremendous amount of time on other traditional processing platforms.
  10. Quicker deployment – Node.js helps in the development and deployment of programs. The light-weighted nodejs also aid in yielding faster results by ensuring the speedier launch of the products. Node.js also supports fast data processing and non-locking algorithms, essential for microservices development.

Node Js Use cases

Node.js is the best option for the web app development process, which every business owner must have knowledge of. Besides, knowing the vast features of this standalone application gives us a reliable idea of how interestingly node.js plays for developing the web; we must also know the beneficial prices nodejs had for every user.

  • High performance
  • Higher scalability
  • Boosting the development speed
  • Using a single programming language
  • Creating real-time application
  • SEO friendly
  • Straightforward hosting process
  • Permits easy sharing 
  • Permits single code base
  • Cost-effective
  • Gives long-term support
  • Easy web app deployment

Drawbacks of node js solution

Despite considering node.js as an exclusive program, there are some drawbacks too, which, if overlooked, may create some problematic situations. The disadvantages connected to node.js is as follows,

  • Firstly, it is complicated to maintain the codes in node.js because of the asynchronous approach that entirely relies on the callbacks. These callbacks are in bulks, affecting the performance and quality of the code, making it arduous for nodejs to manage the code.
  • Secondly, it is already mentioned that node.js is ineffective in handling powerful and intensive CPU-based programming because it uses all such CPU strength in creating a robust project. This reduces the intensity of using the available resource while damaging the application’s interface.
  • The third is the point that displays that node.js lacks library support. Though it had various NPM module registries and libraries, the reality check is these registries lack good quality and documentation. Overall, it has become a not-so-good option for beginners trying their hand at the nodejs system.

Henceforth, the node.js is exclusively an essential aspect that yields in producing bets practices like a layered approach for callback functionalities divided into

  • Controller layer
  • Service layer
  • Data access layer

With that, the node.js also practices in a folder structure that separates the modulus in different folders. Lastly, enhancing the easy readability and quality of the code like ESLint, JSLint, and JSHint are the most common code linters used for JavaScript.

These techniques and tools bring forth the idea that developing a web app must be done under a powerful alternative like node.js that efficiently and instantly follow all your needs.

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